Friday, April 20, 2012

 I was board and made this Happy Banner using the Pemberly paper from CTMH. I thought it was cute!

 This is the outside of a book that i started in Feb this year. It was a Photo a Day challenge where you had to take a photo every day. so like a perspective visual journal of your life at the time. I'm Nearly done! lol ! I have the photos in it but i need to comment next to half of them.... its a lot harder  then it seems!
 Once again board over the weekend making my little niece a Name door hanger to put on her present that i will be sending up to her. She is turning five. I thought it turned out cute!

This my latest idea on my page I thought turned out really cute! I will have to finish it and see if it turns out cute enough to do with my club this month!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

We  finally got them out side on the side of our house! I know its a work in progress but I need to get more rocks to set my path around them then more gravel. I am proud they turned out so well! Thanks again to my husband who did the greater part of the work! ( Oh I got more dirt in them since this picture. Hopefully we can plant soon)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This is what I spent my weekend helping build! Its a raised garden bed! My husband and I keep thinking it looks like a hot tub! lol! Hopefully it wont when we get plants in it! Thanks to my husband for being so handy!